Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cliched New Year's Post

Well it's New Year's Eve 2011. Everyone and their mother is making a Facebook status about New Year's Eve, reflecting on 2011 and making promises about 2012. We all do it. Make those New Year's Resolutions that never come into fruition, lasting only for the first month or two. Then work and school and life get in the way and excuses begin to pile up. It would be easy for me to make a staus about 2011, but being the writer that I am, I cannot sum it up in such few characters.

So here we go; here are some things that happened in 2011:

-had my heart broken a couple of times
-learned that love is hard, not easy
-realized I probably should have said "I love you" even though the feeling was not mutual, because now the moment has passed
-went to Aruba with my family
-had a tooth pulled
-was in a car accident and my car got totaled (RIP Alice)
-got a second job to pay the bills
-cried myself to sleep
-fell asleep in someone's arms
-woke up in someone's arms
-had an amazing birthday weekend
-reread the Harry Potter series for the millionth time
-got two tattoos
-gave up
-got stronger
-realized I'm still in love with someone who probably doesn't feel the same about me
-cried because there is nothing I can do about it
-laughed at my sister's funny comments
-went into the City by myself for the first time and survived (and only got slightly lost)
-spent way too much time on Facebook
-didn't spend enough time on myself
-obtained a positive attitude for a brief period
-dressed up as Ron from AVPM/AVPS to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
-attended a Masquerade Ball
-picked up and transported a very expensive cake without ruining it
-was a bridesmaid in a wedding
-got a new car and named her Hedwig
-saw the Christmas tree in the City
-dreamt about my grandma for the first time since she passed away in 2005

There is probably a lot more I could write about 2011, I mean that's a full year to reveiw. I did the best I could to give the good and bad highlights of my year. Was it a good year? If I had to give a general answer, I would have to say "no". Could it have been worse? Hell yes, a lot worse. I am thankful to have survived another year.

Every year I try and pick one New Year's Resolution, but like the rest of the world, I very rarely stick to it. However, I do plan on making a few changes, no matter how small they may be. Here are some of my ideas:

-get a full time job that I enjoy doing
-adopt a more positive attitude about life in general
-take better care of myself
-make myself a priority in my life
-realize that some people come into your life to teach you a lesson
-remember that people can be cruel, but not everyone is
-fall in love
-have a man fall in love with me
-learn to say no (people will take advantage of my kindness and sweet nature and that is not okay)
-smile more
-cry less
-write more
-don't compare myself to other people
-enjoy life more
-remember that things happen, but if they end, even better things will come my way
-know that it's okay to be sad but it's not okay to linger in it
-believe that I deserve happiness
-realize that I am beautiful and believe it

I think that's a pretty extensive list there, but I plan on accomplishing them all. I'm starting off the New Year with the whole positive attitude. Will I have my moments of negativity and saddness? Of course, but that's okay. What I learned during my brief period of positivity this year was that being positive doesn't mean skipping around town with a huge, fake smile hitched on my face being obnoxiously happy. To me, being positive means accepting that things don't always go the way you planned, but that just means that even better things are coming your way. I plan on saying this to myself every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to sleep.

I hope you all had/have a safe New Year.

I'll keep you posted xo

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